Expert Organizing Tips for the New Year

Expert Organizing Tips for the New Year

A Chat with Real Simple

Rainbow Organized Stuffed Animals - Jeffrey Phillip
“From children to adults, a stuffed animal is something many people have a hard time parting with.”

( ? & ?: Jeffrey Phillip)

Many of us start of the new year with resolutions that have something to do with organizing – even I do! I’m always trying to find better ways to be organized (go ahead, roll your eyes at me ? … I’m rolling them at myself, too). However, this year I made a shift in how I approach a New Year’s resolution and leaned into it with positive intention. It’s such a small change, but it felt so good, and still feels good. Rather than put pressure on myself to list more things on my to-do list, I set intentions to create positive change in my life.

Whether you took a resolution or led with intention, we are now 6 weeks into 2018, which means some of us may be asking ourselves if we’ve moved in the direction we hoped. If you have, that is stupendous! Know that I am sitting here giving you snaps and claps ? for your success, just as I am doing the same to cheer on those of us who have not gotten as far as we hoped by now. If you are working towards (or hoping to work towards) more organizing in 2018, I have something I want to share.

Just before we lept into the new year, I had the pleasure to chat with Susan Brickell of Real Simple to discuss some Expert Organizing Tips for the New Year – things to help make organizing a little bit easier for all of us. Things like… how to get started with our organizing goals… a super helpful tool to make your organization ‘stick’… one of the messiest rooms in our homes (as well as how to start organizing it)… and my top tip for successfully getting and staying organized.

So hop on over to to take a read. Then, let me know what you think. I hope that you find it helpful and that it provides you with some good insight and inspo on your organizing journey.


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